Christopher Goetz, Ph.D.
Office Hours
Th 2:30pm-5:30 pm
Get to Know Chris
Christopher Goetz is a film, digital media, and videogame scholar whose research focuses on fantasy and play across a range of platforms, from cinema to interactive digital media.
His published works have appeared in Games and Culture and New Media & Society, and are forthcoming in an edited volume on Queer Game Studies and in the journal The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child. Chris is a co-founder and continuing co-organizer of the Queerness and Games Conference, and a lead facilitator in the Queer Games Design Workshop for undergraduates. Before coming to Iowa, Chris played an active part in the Berkeley Center for New Media at UC Berkeley, where he received his Ph.D.
He is currently working on a book entitled ‘At Home Everywhere’: Empowerment Fantasies in the Domestication of Videogames.