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Michael Cowan
Michael Cowan

Michael Cowan

Department Chair
Michael Cowan is a film and media historian, as well as a Germanist, who joined the Department of Cinematic Arts following previous appointments at McGill University and the University of St. Andrews. His work has received numerous professional distinctions, including best book awards from Germany (Willy Haas Award), Italy (Limina Award) and the UK (BAFTSS); best article awards from SCMS and BAFTSS; and numerous grants and fellowships, most recently from the Humboldt Foundation.
Elizabeth Cecil
Liz Cecil

Elizabeth Cecil

Departmental Administrator
Dana Alston
Dana Alston

Dana Alston

Graduate Student
Dana Alston is a Ph.D. candidate in Film Studies. He received his MFA in Film and Television Studies from Boston University and his dual BA's in Cinema Studies and Media Studies from the University of Oregon. His current work focuses on contemporary forms of film authorship, cinephilia, and industrial media commodification.
Rick Altman
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Rick Altman, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor
Rick Altman teaches courses on film sound, film genres, and narrative theory. In recent years he has taught courses on silent film sound and exhibition, Hollywood's conversion to sound, genre theory, the musical, the films of Rouben Mamoulian, and narrative theory.
Paula Amad
Paula Amad

Paula Amad, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Paula Amad is an Associate Professor of Film Studies and Chair of the Department of Cinematic Arts (Jan 2016-July 2018; August 2019-December 2020).  She teaches and researches at the intersection of film history and film theory, with specialization in French cinema, nonfiction film, archive and memory studies, feminist film history, postcolonial theory and visual studies, and the relationship between photography and film.
Corey Creekmur
Corey Creekmur

Corey Creekmur, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Corey K. Creekmur is jointly appointed in Cinematic Arts and English and is affiliated with the Department of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies.  He is also affiliated with the South Asian Studies Program and directs the Institute for Cinema and Culture. His teaching and research focus on international popular cinema (especially American and South Asian), cross-cultural film genres, and the way in which such films interact with other media (such as music) as well as popular discourses of race, gender, and sexuality.
Christopher Goetz
Christopher Goetz

Christopher Goetz, Ph.D.

Associate Professor,
Head of Film Studies
Christopher Goetz is a film, digital media, and videogame scholar whose research focuses on fantasy and play across a range of platforms, from cinema to interactive digital media.
Mike Hendrickson
Mike Hendrickson

Mike Hendrickson

Computer Consultant
Arman Hodasefat
Arman Hodasefat

Arman Hodasefat

Graduate Student
Arman Hodasefat is an independent filmmaker. He received his M.A. in Film Studies from the Art University of Tehran in 2017, and his B.A. in Architecture from the University of Guilan in 2013. His recent work focuses on an interdisciplinary idea of using the technical principles of architectural design in long-take shots and continuous shot feature films.
Ruedi Kuenzli
Ruedi Kuenzli

Ruedi Kuenzli, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor
Ruedi Kuenzli taught courses at the University of Iowa in contemporary theories, literatures and cultures of the 19th and 20th centuries, interarts, and the avant-garde. He has published books on Marcel Duchamp, Dada and Surrealist Film, André Breton, Surrealism and Women, and New York Dada. He served as the editor of Dada/Surrealism and the Director of the International Dada Archive at the University of Iowa.
Jonathan Lack
Jonathan Lack Photo

Jonathan Lack

Graduate Student
Jonathan R. Lack is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Iowa’s Department of Cinematic Arts. He earned his B.A. and M.A. summa cum laude from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and has written, published, and podcasted on film and media since the age of 10. His research specializes in East Asian cinema, with a particular focus on Japanese film and animation, and has written extensively on directors such as Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. His approach aims to study film and media in ways that are uniquely personal, interdisciplinary, and accessible for a wide audience of both scholars and casual viewers. Alongside Sean Chapman, he is host of The Weekly Stuff Podcast, a long-running show about movies, TV, and video games, and Japanimation Station, a seasonal anime podcast. You can read his work at
Angela Looney
Angela Looney

Angela Looney

Instructional Services Manager
Franklin Miller
Franklin Miller

Franklin Miller, M.F.A.

Emeritus Professor
Franklin Miller has been making films, videos, and television programs with over 100 major credits since 1961. His early experience was in documentary and narrative forms, including writing and producing a theatrical feature film. Since 1970, he has been working in shorter, more experimental forms that combine and layer live-action footage into collages that fall somewhere between photography and painting. He has also explored techniques in 3D modeling and animation.
Sarah Moeller
sarah moeller

Sarah Moeller

Administrative Services Coordinator (Curriculum)
Julia Anna Morrison
Julia Anna Morrison

Julia Anna Morrison, M.F.A.

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Julia Anna Morrison is a poet and screenwriter from Alpharetta, Georgia.  She has an M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and a B.A. in English from the University of Georgia.  She is a 2014 Nightboat Books Poetry Prize finalist, a recipient of the Friedman Fellowship from the University of Iowa and a 2014 Yaddo Residency Fellow.  
Kathleen Newman
Kathleen Newman

Kathleen Newman, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Dr. Kathleen Newman is an associate professor in Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Iowa. Her research and teaching focuses on Latin American, Chicano, and Spanish cinemas as well as on theoretical questions regarding the relation between fictional narrative and politics and the relation between cinema and globalization.
Andrew Owens
Andrew Owens

Andrew Owens, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Instruction,
Officer of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Andrew Owens’ research and teaching interests include global film and television history, media industry studies, historiographic methodologies, contemporary occultism, and LGBTQ+/gender/critical race theories. His book, Desire After Dark: Contemporary Queer Cultures and Occultly Marvelous Media (Indiana University Press, 2021), provides an industrial and cultural history of how modern occult practices have risen to on-screen prominence over the past half-century during moments of profound transnational anxiety surrounding sexual, gender, and racial mores.
Leighton Pierce
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Leighton Pierce, M.F.A.

Emeritus Professor
Leighton Pierce uses video and sound to create experiences in transformative time. He creates multi-channel site-specific installations as well as single channel works that have been exhibited in major art museums and film festivals throughout the world including the 2016-17 Kochi Muziris Biennale, The Whitney Bienniale, and many festivals including Sundance, San Francisco, New York, Tribeca, Ann Arbor, and Rotterdam.
Nathan Platte
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Nathan Platte

Associate Professor
Nathan Platte teaches courses on film music and other 20th- and 21st-century topics for the School of Music. His research explores film music and sound of Hollywood’s studio era from a variety of angles, including the collaborative process of film scoring, the intersection of technology and music, the role of studio orchestras, and soundtrack albums.
Lauren Rabinovitz
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Lauren Rabinovitz, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Lauren Rabinovitz's current research and teaching interests include early cinema and culture, feminist film history and theory, and theories and history of visual spectacles. Her books include a social history of women, For the Love of Pleasure: Women, Movies, and Culture in Turn-of-the-Century Chicago and a critical study of feminist filmmakers, Points of Resistance: Women, Power, and Politics in the New York Avant-Garde Cinema, 1943-1971.
Marcus Leyton
Marcus Leyton

Marcus Leyton

Senior Academic Advisor
Jenny Ritchie
Jenny Ritchie

Jenny Ritchie

University Shared Services Representative
Randy Schildmeyer
Schildmeyer photo

Randy Schildmeyer

Instructional Service Specialist
Lisa Schlesinger
schlesinger photo

Lisa Schlesinger, M.F.A.

Associate Professor
Co-Head of Playwrights Workshop
Lisa Schlesinger's plays include Celestial Bodies, Wal-martyrs, Same Egg, Manny and Chicken, Rock Ends Ahead, The Bones of Danny Winston, and Twenty-One Positions (with Naomi Wallace and Abdel AbuSrour). She is currently writing the libretto, Harmonicus Mundi, the second piece in the Celestial Bodies Trilogy and In the Wake of the Graybow Riots, for her Slow Theatre Project. 
Andrea Schuster
Andrea Schuster

Andrea Schuster

Graduate Student
Andrea Schuster received a B.A. in Communication and Philosophy from the University of Iowa, an M.F.A. in Film from Boston University, and an M.A. in English from Oregon State University. She worked as a negative cutter and digital filmmaking instructor in Seattle before returning to Iowa as a Ph.D. student.
Rosemarie Scullion
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Rosemarie Scullion, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Rosemarie Scullion’s research and teaching focus on twentieth-century French literary and cultural studies, French women writers and feminist/gender theory, contemporary European literary theory, French cinema and modern French history and historiography. She offers a wide range of interdisciplinary courses that bring literary, cinematic and cultural texts into critical dialogue.
Garrett Stewart
Garrett Stewart

Garrett Stewart, Ph.D.

James O. Freedman Professor of Letters
From his position in the English department, Garrett Stewart regularly teaches film in graduate courses on critical methodology and media ecology. Beyond his studies of narrative fiction, poetics, and conceptual art, his books on screen media include Between Film and Screen (1999), Framed Time: Toward a Postfilmic Cinema (2007), Closed Circuits: Screening Narrative Surveillance (2015), Cinesthesia: Museum Film and the Curated Screen (2018), Cinemachines (2020), and The Metanarrative Hall of Mirrors: Reflex Action in Fiction and Film (2022).
Hope Tucker
Hope Tucker

Hope Tucker

Associate Professor
Hope Tucker transforms what we know as a daily form of terse, text-driven narrative through The Obituary Project, a compendium of moving image that gives new life to the antiquated documentary practice of salvage ethnography.
Steven Ungar
Steven Ungar

Steven Ungar, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Steven Ungar taught Cinema, French Studies, and Comparative Literature at The University of Iowa from 1976 to 2020. His book-length publications include Roland Barthes: The Professor of Desire (1983), Scandal and Aftereffect: Blanchot and France Since 1930 (1995), Popular Front Paris and the Poetics of Culture (2005), Cléo de 5 à 7 (2008), and Critical Mass: Social Documentary from the Silent Era to the New Wave (2018). He is editing a critical edition and English translation of Chris Marker’s early film writings.
Zachary Vanes
Zach Vanes

Zachary Vanes

Graduate Student
Zachary Vanes received his M.A. in Visual and Critical Studies from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and his B.A. in English Literature and Film Studies from DePauw University.
Chris Wei
A picture of ChrisWei

Chris Wei, M.F.A.

Graduate Student
After studying Psychology and Philosophy as an undergraduate, and then working in the mental health industry as a mentor and teacher for several years, Chris earned his M.F.A. at Boston University, writing his thesis on the work of the American experimental animator Don Hertzfeldt. As a PhD candidate at the University of Iowa, Chris has conducted research on doppelgängers, digitality, documentary studies, Left Bank cinema, posthumanism, genre theory, epistolary aesthetics, collectivist ontology, and cinematic depictions of the afterlife. 
David Wittenberg
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David Wittenberg, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
David Wittenberg teaches in the English Department and the Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature. He is the author of Time Travel: The Popular Philosophy of Narrative (Fordham University Press, 2013) and Philosophy, Revision, Critique: Rereading Practices in Heidegger, Nietzsche, and Emerson (Stanford University Press, 2001).
Getong Wang
Getong Wang

Getong Wang

Graduate Student
Getong is an MFA student in Film and Video Production. He creates works that derive from his interests in film, poetry, and music. They often touch upon the ambiguity and fallout between fantasy and reality.
Will Hella
Will Hella

Will Hella

Graduate Student
Dean Bakopoulos
A picture of Dean Bakopoulos

Dean Bakopoulos

Associate Professor
Head of Screenwriting
Dean Bakopoulos is an Associate Professor of Cinema and Screenwriting Arts. He teaches Topics in Screenwriting and Advanced Screenwriting I. He has written several novels and has received several awards.
Cassie Moeller
cassie moeller

Cassie Moeller

Graduate Program Coordinator
Laura Gede
Laura Gede

Laura Gede

Assistant Professor of Instruction
A multidisciplinary artistic practitioner, educator, and film industry professional from Baltimore, Maryland who focuses on the creation of media, sound, and art objects. After receiving a dual degree in Theatre and Electronic Media in 2017 at Towson University, she completed her MFA in Documentary Media with certificates in Critical Theory and Reflective and Effective Teaching Practices at Northwestern University in 2023. Her work seeks to move between digital and physical spaces; crossing boundaries in both theoretical and material ways. She’s most interested in craft, the body, and how we represent the digital on physical media. Laura’s video work has been displayed and published in galleries, theatres, and digital spaces around the world; most notably at the Mattress Factory (Pittsburgh, PA), Bio Oko (Prague, Czech Republic), and with Do Not Research.
Zachariah Anderson
Zach Anderson photo

Zachariah Anderson, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor
Zachariah Anderson is a film and media scholar who researches the roles of archival images as evidence in the “post-truth era.” He is particularly interested in documentary cinema’s processes of appropriating and reactivating archival materials to construct historical knowledge about past violence and injustice.
Rachel Yoder
Rachel Yoder photo

Rachel Yoder

Assistant Professor
Rachel is the author of the novel Nightbitch, which has been adapted for screen by writer and director Marielle Heller.
Negar Torabi Soufi Amlashi
Negar Torabi Soufi Amlashi Grad Student

Negar Torabi Soufi Amlashi

Graduate Student
Negar is an M.F.A. student in Film and Video Production. She began her studies in Film at an early age, receiving her BA in Cinema and Editing in Iran and worked as a video editor where she fell in love with the art. 
Yuqin He
Yuqin He

Yuqin He

Graduate Student
Yuqin He received her M.A. in East Asian Studies from New York University in 2023 and B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature from Beijing Normal University in 2017. Her research interests include film history, Chinese cinema, modern Chinese literature and affect theory.
Bruce Elgin
Bruce Elgin

Bruce Elgin

Visiting Assistant Professor
Bruce Elgin has a B.A. in English from the University of Iowa, an M.F.A. from National University and has won awards for his screenplays, his novels and his teaching.
Malik Ford
a picture of malik ford

Malik Ford

Graduate Student
Malik is pursuing an M.F.A. in Film and Video Production. He completed a BA in Film Production and Anthropology from Hampshire College. Malik is invested in the restorative qualities of documentary media and narrative cinema.