Rick Altman, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Rick Altman teaches courses on film sound, film genres, and narrative theory. In recent years he has taught courses on silent film sound and exhibition, Hollywood's conversion to sound, genre theory, the musical, the films of Rouben Mamoulian, and narrative theory.

Ruedi Kuenzli, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Ruedi Kuenzli taught courses at the University of Iowa in contemporary theories, literatures and cultures of the 19th and 20th centuries, interarts, and the avant-garde. He has published books on Marcel Duchamp, Dada and Surrealist Film, André Breton, Surrealism and Women, and New York Dada. He served as the editor of Dada/Surrealism and the Director of the International Dada Archive at the University of Iowa.

Franklin Miller, M.F.A.
Emeritus Professor
Franklin Miller has been making films, videos, and television programs with over 100 major credits since 1961. His early experience was in documentary and narrative forms, including writing and producing a theatrical feature film. Since 1970, he has been working in shorter, more experimental forms that combine and layer live-action footage into collages that fall somewhere between photography and painting. He has also explored techniques in 3D modeling and animation.

Leighton Pierce, M.F.A.
Emeritus Professor
Leighton Pierce uses video and sound to create experiences in transformative time. He creates multi-channel site-specific installations as well as single channel works that have been exhibited in major art museums and film festivals throughout the world including the 2016-17 Kochi Muziris Biennale, The Whitney Bienniale, and many festivals including Sundance, San Francisco, New York, Tribeca, Ann Arbor, and Rotterdam.

Lauren Rabinovitz, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Lauren Rabinovitz's current research and teaching interests include early cinema and culture, feminist film history and theory, and theories and history of visual spectacles. Her books include a social history of women, For the Love of Pleasure: Women, Movies, and Culture in Turn-of-the-Century Chicago and a critical study of feminist filmmakers, Points of Resistance: Women, Power, and Politics in the New York Avant-Garde Cinema, 1943-1971.

Steven Ungar, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Professor Emeritus of Cinematic Arts and French. Taught at UI from 1976 to 2020. B.A. & M.A. from U of Wisconsin, Ph.D. from Cornell U.