Andrew Owens, Ph.D.
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Andrew Owens’ research and teaching interests include global film and television history, media industry studies, historiographic methodologies, contemporary occultism, and LGBTQ+/gender/critical race theories. His book, Desire After Dark: Contemporary Queer Cultures and Occultly Marvelous Media (Indiana University Press, 2021), provides an industrial and cultural history of how modern occult practices have risen to on-screen prominence over the past half-century during moments of profound transnational anxiety surrounding sexual, gender, and racial mores.
Owens’ other publications include essays/chapters in Feminist Media Studies, Television and New Media, New Review of Film & Television Studies, The Comedy Studies Reader (University of Texas Press), New Directions in Queer Horror Film and Television (University of Wales Press), Twenty-First-Century Gothic: An Edinburgh Companion (Edinburgh University Press), and Camp TV of the 1960s: Reassessing the Vast Wasteland (Oxford University Press). A co-authored monograph on Marlon Riggs’ 1989 documentary Tongues Untied is also forthcoming in the “Queer Film Classics” series from McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Owens regularly teaches Introduction to Film Analysis, Contemporary Cinema, Race/Gender/Sexuality on Screen, and has also taught upper-level courses such as History of the American Horror Film, American Exploitation Cinema, Screening Sex in America, and Queer Global Cinema. He has sat on several Executive Boards of international scholarly organizations, including both the Queer Caucus and Television Studies Scholarly Interest Group of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), and currently serves on the Executive Board of Console-ing Passions.
Owens holds a BA with high honors in English Literature from Swarthmore College, an MA in English from Villanova University, and a Ph.D. in Screen Cultures from Northwestern University.