Articles from October 2021

MFA Student Hao Zhou receives 2021 Student Academy Award Gold Medal
Friday, October 22, 2021
The Gold Medal for "Frozen Out" is the first award given to a student artist based in Iowa, and a first- time honor for the University of Iowa.

Associate Professor Paula Amad to Give Two Invited Lectures in fall 2021
Friday, October 15, 2021
Associate Professor Paula Amad will be giving two invited lectures this fall; on November 18-19, she will give a talk linked to her book project on aerial vision at the Center for Visual Culture at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, entitled “Cin-aereal attractions: F.W. Brinton and the Technical and Fantastical Correspondences between Early Aviation and Cinema.", and on December 9-10 she will be giving a keynote lecture at the annual symposium of the research network Archive/Counter Archive: Activating Canada's Moving-Image Heritage.

Andy Owens' Recently Published Book, Desire After Dark: Contemporary Queer Cultures and Occultly Marvelous Media
Friday, October 8, 2021
Congratulations to Andy Owens on the recent publication of his book, Desire After Dark: Contemporary Queer Cultures and Occultly Marvelous Media.

Associate Professor, Corey Creekmur, Receives Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Grant
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
The Mellon Sawyer Seminar will be co-directed by University of Iowa College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty members Corey Creekmur (Cinematic Arts, English, and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies), Ana Merino (Spanish and Portuguese), and Rachel Williams (Art & Art History, Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies). Among their other professional interests and accomplishments, Creekmur edits the award-winning book series Comics Culture for Rutgers University Press and is First Vice President and a founding member of the Comics Studies Society.